Supporting Yellow Brick Road
Supporting YBR couldn't be easier. In fact, you can do it just by going about your normal business. By shopping at Kroger or by using Amazon Smile, a portion of your purchase goes directly into helping our teachers provide quality educational programs to our community's young children. Just be sure to follow the steps below to get your accounts set up to support YBR!
Donating Online |
Your donation right now via PayPal will help provide affordable, quality educational programs at Yellow Brick Road.
Taster's Choice Event
Taster's Choice is Yellow Brick Road's premier fundraising event where we combine the fun of viewing the Kentucky Derby with an auction. Guests can bid on select silent auction items or enjoy the excitement of the live auction. Both feature a variety of food, entertainment, venue, attractions, services, and more.
Canceled in 2020 & 2021, we are excited to announce that for 2022 we are doing a digital day of giving day event that we’re calling the YBR Fund-Racer!
Look for announcements in the month of April on our Facebook page, or join our MailChimp email list to learn more about the YBR Fund-Racer. The starting gates open Saturday, May 7th, 2022.
Canceled in 2020 & 2021, we are excited to announce that for 2022 we are doing a digital day of giving day event that we’re calling the YBR Fund-Racer!
Look for announcements in the month of April on our Facebook page, or join our MailChimp email list to learn more about the YBR Fund-Racer. The starting gates open Saturday, May 7th, 2022.
Kroger Rewards
Register your Kroger Plus card with Yellow Brick Road online using NPO AM072 at
Amazon Smile
Help earn FREE money with every Amazon purchase! Simply select Yellow Brick Road as a charitable organization at this Amazon Smile Charity page to support and then shop normally at
PRO TIP: If you use Google Chrome, consider installing the Smile Always extension, so that all your purchases will go through If you use Mozilla Firefox, you can use the Amazon SMILE! extension.
PRO TIP: If you use Google Chrome, consider installing the Smile Always extension, so that all your purchases will go through If you use Mozilla Firefox, you can use the Amazon SMILE! extension.